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We are pleased to extend an invitation to the Public Lecture by Professor Dr. Thorsten Beck, the 6th TIAC Chairholder, Professor of Banking and Finance at Cass Business School in London. It will be hosted by Bank Negara Malaysia, in conjunction with the Tun Ismail Ali Chair (TIAC).



28th November 2017 (Monday)


10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (GMT +8:00)


Forum (Level 1), Sasana Kijang

Admission is FREE!  Click here for RSVP


In the lecture, Professor Beck will cover the efforts by developed and emerging markets to develop non-bank financial intermediaries to address funding gaps and challenges of financial inclusion. Often driven by financial innovation, this ranges from crowd-funding platforms as alternative to banks and capital markets to mobile money as new payment technology. While providing additional competition and possibly increasing financial system efficiency, they also pose challenges for regulators and possibly monetary policy makers. The lecture will based on recent research and policy work in this area.

Professor Dr. Thorsten Beck (6th Chairholder) 

Professor Beck is a  Professor of Banking and Finance at Cass Business School in London. He is also a research fellow of the centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), and is 6th Tun Ismail Ali Chair Chairholder. Previously, he worked in the research department of the World Bank. His research, academic publications and operational work have focused on two major questions: What is the relationship between finance and economic development? What policies are needed to build a sound and effective financial system? Recently, he has concentrated on access to financial services, including SME finance, as well as on the design of regulatory and bank resolution frameworks.